Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Reading Assignment

Friday: Read Gregory of Tours, The History of the Franks, book 8
Wednesday: read Gregory of Tours, The History of the Franks, book 9 and Venantius Fortunatus, Thurigian War and the Lives of Radegund-which are in your reader.


Rick E Quintero said...

Hello: As you may remember I have a certain fascination with "What does it mean to be a Bishop in the 5th Century". Actually my fascination is with the acquisition of power - but I digress. I was moved by a quote by King Chiperic pg 380 Bk 6 " There was nothing that he hated so much as he hated the churches. He was perpetually heard to say: My treasury is always empty. All our wealth has fallen into the hands of the Church. There is no one with any power left except the Bishops." BUT...... on pg 340 BK 6 we see Bisop Domnolus get deathly sick and "he was seriouly ill with jaundice and stone in the kidneys and he chose Abbot Thedulf as his successor. The King (Lothar)agreed to this, but later on he changed his mind". HE CHANGED HIS MIND!!!! Geeeezzz! But the best for me pg 346 Bk - is Gregory refusing to go along with a dying Bishops request to have Burgundio succeed him as Bishop - Gregory writes his rebuttal for his refusal by saying "It is set out here in the canons, my dear boy, until he has first gone through the various ranks of the church in the normal way". Yea right! You could become a Bishop by being a Circus Clown ( a little joke) or a Count - had a uncle - had enough money - lived in the right kingdom - was the priest to a dying Bishop - or was a very large kiss-ass! A special example of the Bishop's life expectacy is on pg 367 BK6 - "He conspired with an archdeacon of Lisieux and together they plotted their Bishops death, the priest having the gall to see himself as a possible replacement." And the hits just keep on coming. Devotion to God seems to have so little effect on ones ascendacy to a Bishopric - Gregory gives so many examples of piety, but the Bishops are such a disfunctional group. But I will give Gregory a pat on the back - I think Gregory agrees with me concenring the lunacy of his times - pg 370 Bk6 - "Theodosius, Bishop of Rodez, died. He had been the successor to St Dalmatius. The LOBBYING and SCANDALOUS rivalies which ensued for the bishopric of this diocese reached such a pitch that it was stripped of its sacred vessels and it's more important possessions." Thanks for listening - Best Wishes Rick

KFung said...

Why are most of our primary source texts by bishops and/or of bishops? I can understand that it might be easier for bishops to write and publish a text because they were educated so, but as in our reading hints at, there are other educated people that are not bishops. I would be very interested to see if there are any surviving manuscripts by someone like an Arian rhetoric or a Jewish person, to get a different perspective on their time. I personally find it very hard to analyze the societal norms and institutions objectively if the text is already biased with the bishops' spin on the story.