Sunday, February 24, 2008

one of the things mentioned on friday was.... "who has the power to decide who the bishop is?"we came to the conlusion that the townspeople can vote, by popularity, to decide who can become bishop...but, I don't recall if we mentioned it, but the King and other high political power people gets a lot of say about who gets to be Bishop, or even just who's in the Church's position in general. In several cases, "Saint Gall replaced Saint Quintianus on his episcopal throne, with the full apporoval of the King."(GofT.IV.5), or when Cautinus was confronted Cato, "To spare you the trouble, and with no ulterior motive of my own, i will go to the King and ask his apporoval of your elevation to the episcopate."(GofT.IV.7) Then later on, townspeople wanted priest Eufronius as their Bishop, but King Lothar wanted Cato instead, townspeople eventually got Eufronius as Bishop, but again, after King Lothar had agreed.(GofT.IV.15) This shows that church-positions are definitely required to go through the 'political' structure.