Monday, April 28, 2008

final blog assignment 10

This is the final blog assignment, and it is once again about the final exam. Please raise any last concerns or questions you have about the final so that we can sort through them on Friday in discussion section.


Rick E Quintero said...


I will bring in my openning paragraph and hope that it does not sink to the bottom of the pool! Best Wishes!

Harris said...
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katie ross said...

First, I am concerned with the fact that the questions are so ambiguous, broad, and unanswerable in a concrete way. Because of this, I'm worried I may lose my train of thought because of all the different sources and possibilities of ways I could go with the question. Moreover, I'm worried about being unable to draw any concrete conclusions because the topic is so broad and we've pretty much been taught to not assume or generalize anything. So what am i supposed to do? I would love if we could discuss this tomorrow. Thanks!

KFung said...

I feel like I know what question I want to expand on but I realize that the topic is very similar to the topic I wrote about on the second paper. Should I not do that one? I feel that I have a much stronger arguement for it than the others but would it be bad if I used some ideas from my previous essay?